
Bolt has innovative solutions for every type of transportation need. We know every business is unique, so we work hard to deliver exactly the type of transportation services and logistics that you need. We understand the complex supply and demand value chain needed to succeed in today’s competitive landscape. Bolt is trusted worldwide, and able to provide the solutions to meet your needs.

Book Online Easily

You can ship to and from anywhere in the world, and book everything online easily. You can also pay in advance, for maximum savings. This enables you to manage your bookings with confidence right from your desk.

Oversized Goods

Our fleet can handle shipments of every shape and size. Just send us your dimensions and we’ll find the right vehicle.

Multiple Payment Options

We offer a variety of simple payment options, including PayPal and Square. For repeat customers, we offer competitive rates that are valid for up to one year.

Speedy Transit Time

We have access to ships, vehicles and trains traveling with our goods every day, ensuring fastest possible delivery.


Our capabilities are diverse and allow us the flexibility to provide you with option that will exceed your performance standards. Dry van, Refrigerated, Flatbed, Dedicated or Expedited, whatever the situation let our team work with you to find the right solution.

Hazardous Materials

Our hazmat transportation services enable us to transport a variety of dangerous and hazardous materials. We take safety very seriously, and comply fully with the International Air Transport Association requirements.

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